When To Keep Your Child Home

For the extra concern of COVID-19 and the well-being of your child and of others, keep your child home for the following reason:

  • Fatigue (for any reason), lethargic behavior.
  • A temperature above 100 degrees (a child should remain at home for 24 hours after the fever is gone and/or prescribed antibiotics and administered for 24 hours before a child returns to school).
  • Sore throat or significant cough that makes the child feel uncomfortable or disrupts the class.
  • Severe ear pain or drainage from the ear.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (child should remain home for at least 24 hours after the last episode).
  •  Red, “crusty”, itchy eyes (conjunctivitis or pink eye is very contagious). The child must be kept home for 48 hours while being treated with antibiotics and should only return to school if there is no discharge from the eyes.
  • A runny nose if there is colored nasal mucous.
  • A rash
  • A virus
  • Any parasitic infestation (lice, scabies, etc.)
  • Chicken pox (The child may return when all the blisters have dried and formed scabs, usually about 6 days after the onset of the rash).

Finally, please always call to let us know when your child will be staying home sick. 

Thank You